Beijing Dacheng Law Offices, LLP ("大成") is an independent law firm, and not a member or affiliate of Dentons. 大成 is a partnership law firm organized under the laws of the People’s Republic of China, and is Dentons' Preferred Law Firm in China, with offices in more than 50 locations throughout China. Dentons Group (a Swiss Verein) ("Dentons") is a separate international law firm with members and affiliates in more than 160 locations around the world, including Hong Kong SAR, China. For more information, please see or

Dacheng Advises Vision Environment (Guangzhou) Co., Ltd. on NEEQ Listing

On September 16, 2014, Vision Environment (Guangzhou ) Co., Ltd. (stock code: 831154, ticker symbol: 益方田园) was successfully listed on the National Equities and Exchange Quotations (“NEEQ”) system.

Vision Environment (Guangzhou) Co., Ltd. (“Vision Environment”) was advised by a Guangzhou-based team composed of attorneys Zhao Ya, Zhang Zhike and Duan Haiying from the capital markets department.

Vision Environment is an integrated solution provider for waste water and gas proposal. Its range of business includes producing and trading in waste water and gas disposal equipment, designing, offering consultation on, contracting to build and operating waste water and gas disposal facilities, with a focus on designing, contracting to build and operating those facilities. Its industrial waste water disposal service caters to a variety of sectors, particularly electronics, electroplating, pharmaceuticals and dyeing and finishing.