Beijing Dacheng Law Offices, LLP ("大成") is an independent law firm, and not a member or affiliate of Dentons. 大成 is a partnership law firm organized under the laws of the People’s Republic of China, and is Dentons' Preferred Law Firm in China, with offices in more than 50 locations throughout China. Dentons Group (a Swiss Verein) ("Dentons") is a separate international law firm with members and affiliates in more than 160 locations around the world, including Hong Kong SAR, China. For more information, please see or

Dentons Beijing Awarded the Title of “Capital’s Role Model Organization”

Beijing Commission for Guiding Cultural and Ethical Progress recently announced those who have contributed most to the cultural and ethical progress in Beijing from 2015 to 2017. Dentons Beijing was the only law firm awarded the title of “Capital’s Role Model Organization”.

Dentons Beijing has long been at the forefront of facilitating cultural and ethnical progress in the capital. Attuned to characteristics of the legal industry, it has taken steps, under CPC’s steadfast leadership, to translate cultural and ethical guidelines issued by the CPC into concrete actions, as a way to demonstrate the exemplary role of a party member, and participate in building the party for the better and activities of educational and charitable purposes.

Helping the party to be its better self is central to Dentons Beijing’s efforts. By improving the cultural and ethical work mechanism and combining the party objectives with firm governance, it was able to identify a set of organizational rules that suit not only the firm, but also the party as well, and pave the way to advance cultural and ethical undertakings. At the same time, Dentons Beijing fulfills its social responsibilities proactively and has chaired various charitable events that have garnered very positive feedback and increased our social profile.

Going forward, Dentons Beijing will stay close to the capital’s strategic position and socialist core values. With this honor, we will double our efforts and continue to play our part in the cultural and ethical progress in Beijing.