

Vivien Tuo
Position: Senior Partner
Office location:Beijing

2000  University of Nottingham, UK,LL.M. in International Commercial Law
1998  Southwest University of Political Science and Law, China,LL.B. in International Economic Law

Working Experiences
2010 to present  Dacheng Law Offices, Senior Partner
2007 ~ 2010   Hannes Snellman Attorneys at Law Ltd., Finland, Beijing Representative Office, Chinese Legal Counsel
2000 ~ 2007   King and Wood PRC Lawyers, Associate

PRC Lawyer’s Qualification (1998)

Practice Areas
Foreign Direct Investment, Outbound Investment, Mergers & Acquisitions, Corporate Matters.

Ms. Tuo has extensive expertise and experience in representing foreign companies and entrepreneurs in their investment projects in China, such as setting up joint ventures or wholly owned subsidiaries, and merger/acquisition of Chinese companies or assets.

She has also represented a number of major Chinese companies in their overseas investment projects, and has been extensively involved in the project planning, negotiations, governmental approval procedures, and so on.

Ms. Tuo has been acting as long-term legal counsel for many foreign invested enterprises and Chinese companies to provide comprehensive legal advices to their businesses and operations in China, including but not limited to participation in project negotiations, preparation of legal documentation, review of commercial contracts/agreements, coordination in local government-related matters, advice in labor and social benefit matters, and so on.

Working Language
Chinese, English