Beijing Dacheng Law Offices, LLP ("大成") is an independent law firm, and not a member or affiliate of Dentons. 大成 is a partnership law firm organized under the laws of the People’s Republic of China, and is Dentons' Preferred Law Firm in China, with offices in more than 50 locations throughout China. Dentons Group (a Swiss Verein) ("Dentons") is a separate international law firm with members and affiliates in more than 160 locations around the world, including Hong Kong SAR, China. For more information, please see or

Dacheng Advises BAIC Motor Corporation Ltd. on Successful HKEx Listing

On December 19, 2014, BAIC Motor Corporation Ltd. (“BAIC Motor”, stock code: 01958) was successfully listed on the Hong Kong Stock Exchange and completed an initial public offering, raising US$1.5bn. 

Senior partner Xu Yongqian was the key contact person for BAIC Motor, senior partner Yu Xugang in charge of the project, while senior partner Qu Xiangang acting as on-site project manager. The project team provided PRC legal counsel for the sponsor and underwriter of BAIC Motor’s H-stock IPO and HKEx listing and issued professional legal advice on matters related to the listing.  

The second largest motor manufacturer listed on the Hong Kong Stock Exchange, BAIC Motor is welcomed with much investor confidence.