Dacheng Advises Zhongdian Intelligent (Fujian) System Integration Co., Ltd. on NEEQ Listing
On November 20, 2014, Zhongdian Intelligent (Fujian) System Integration Co., Ltd. (stock code: 831356) was successfully listed on the National Equities Exchange and Quotations (“NEEQ”) system. A Fuzhou-based team advised the company on the listing. 

Zhongdian Intelligent (Fujian) System Integration Co., Ltd. specializes in intelligent building system integration and is primarily engaged in providing architectural intelligence engineering-related value-added services such as consulting, deep design, customized development of systems and interface software, provision of equipment, construction management, operation and maintenance and renovation and upgrading. 

The team included Fuzhou-based attorneys Sun Zhongkai, Ding Mingjian and paralegal Guo Lijia. Their expertise and efficiency was commended by the client.