Dentons helps GCs to plan for the next 12 months and beyond with a New Dynamic toolkit

Dentons has launched a New Dynamic toolkit, leveraging the insights of its ex-General Counsel contingent (from Nextlaw In-House Solutions) as well as the insights of legal operational specialists, talent and innovation to create a toolkit to help GCs and In-house legal teams address/reflect on a broader range of topics that will help to inform their strategic planning and help them to navigate the unknown in this New Dynamic.

The hub also contains legal insight, with access to webinars, legal toolkits and the very latest articles from across Dentons' 76 countries.


  • Guidance for GCs and in-house legal teams on how to progress a digital strategy at this time
  • Quick pivots GCs might like to consider
  • How to scenario plan for the months ahead
  • The importance of taking time out to reflect on your leadership skills
  • Guidance on supply chain resilience issues and ESG performance opportunities
  • Legal insight from across Dentons’ 76 countries
  • Lessons learned from South Korea

Dentons has been supporting its clients and communities through COVID-19 and was quick to stand up global tools to help its clients and communities address the pandemic. Dentons' COVID-19 hub is another resource for organizations and includes global employment, data privacy, insolvency, antitrust and competition trackers and 1,000+ insights PLUS a pro bono hub.

About Dentons

Dentons is the world's largest law firm, connecting talent to the world's challenges and opportunities in more than 75 countries. Dentons' legal and business solutions benefit from deep roots in our communities and award-winning advancements in client service, including Nextlaw, Dentons’ innovation and strategic advisory services. Dentons' polycentric and purpose-driven approach, commitment to inclusion and diversity, and world-class talent challenge the status quo to advance client and community interests in the New Dynamic.